The College of William & Mary
Integrated Science Complex (ISC) III
Building Facts
- 113,000 GSF new
- 162,000 GSF modernization
- Applied Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Interdisciplinary Research
Chartered in 1693, the second-oldest college in the United States is a top-ranked public research university whose historic campus is restored to its 18th century appearance. William & Mary envisioned the third phase of the ISC as an important step toward advancing its science facilities. The guiding principles of this project included the creation of an interconnected and truly integrated science complex; the promotion of cross-disciplinary research; and the strategic grouping of departments and activities for optimal adjacencies.

To achieve these goals, the design team led a series of four departmental and group work sessions with W&M faculty, researchers, administration and other stakeholders to define and clarify the critical issues, strategic project drivers, key concerns, opportunities and desired outcomes. The resulting design supports a unified approach to teaching and research and long-term flexibility with reconfigurable laboratory spaces and promotes intellectual community by emphasizing faculty-to-faculty interaction. Energy analysis and sustainability strategies aggressively reduce energy consumption.